Taxis / VTC to and from Geneva airport and Conventionnal Taxi to take you to treatment centres in the region (Lyon / Grenoble / Annecy)

No. 1 company in terms of satisfaction in Annecy and the surrounding area

Based in Annecy since 2005, we can help you get around the Rhône-Alpes region. Every day, our fleet of taxis, VTCs and CPAM-approved VSLs travel between Geneva airport, the ski resorts and the hospitals, clinics and care centres in Lyon and Grenoble.

Compagnie de Taxis à Annecy et sur les bords du lac
Réservation taxis
Because we care about our reputation and the quality of our transport services, we guarantee that your journey will be completed on time. From the moment you are picked up until you arrive at your destination.

No. 1 company in terms of satisfaction in Annecy and the surrounding area

Private transport company in Annecy

As taxis approved by the CPAM, Annécienne de Taxis et Transports makes its VSL available for transport to hospitals in Grenoble and Lyon.

Taxis approved for medical care (hospitalisation, outpatient treatment, consultations), your transport is 100% covered by medical insurance. You can also take advantage of the third-party payment system, which allows you to be covered by our taxi company without any advance payment.

Transports entre Annecy et l'aéroport de Genève

Taxis and VTCs to and from Geneva airport

From €24 per person (*)

Book your taxi or VTC Geneva – Annecy or Geneva – Annecy.

In addition to Geneva airport, our private chauffeurs can drive you to all airports and train stations in the Rhône-Alpes region.

Whatever your destination between Geneva and Lyon, a taxi or shuttle will be at your service to ensure you don’t miss your plane or train.

(*) Price for a day trip for 7 people between Annecy-Geneva or Geneva-Annecy in our 7-seater Mercedes VTC.

Transport to ski resorts in Haute-Savoie

For almost 20 years, Annecienne de Taxis & Transports has been renowned for its services between train stations, airports and ski resorts in Savoie and Haute-Savoie.

Most of our business focuses on transport between Geneva airport and the Aravis ski resorts (La Clusaz, Le Grand-Bornand, Manigod).

Comfort and top-of-the-range transport service

Four experienced drivers are at your service throughout the region. We guarantee that our experienced drivers will follow the rules of the road to the letter. So you can be sure of a safe and comfortable journey.



Top-of-the-range service

Guaranteed races